Thursday, October 01, 2009

More doctors

We have been running back and forth to Charleston with more Dr appointments for Ulia.Between her Eye Doctors and her appointments at the Developmental Peds office up there I feel like I'm always there. Ulia is going to be having some IQ testing done sometime in the next month or so to see if we can get a little more info on where her level is and were she needs to be, and how she might need to be taught.After talking with a few of her Doctors we have all decided she has some anger issues,I'm not sure if these are part of her FAS diagnosis or another problem,until we talked to the therapist and she asked us some questions I never really thought of her as angry...just more thought she was kind of a negative person/child.Unfortunately she always has some sort of issue with EVERYTHING! kind of one of those people that you know that are never happy.I'm not sure yet how we will start to deal with this,it is nerve racking because she seems to never be happy no matter what you do. I would love to hear from anyone who might have some in site.


Fernanda Porto said...

Hi Kelly,

I am not a mother, actually found your blog by chance, but I´d like to tell you how much you inspire people.

You seem to be a very strong person, facing problems with your daughter and husband, and still managing to convey the message that everything is ok.

I know how things get whenever you feel like you cannot be so tough, so put-together, but if I may, i'd like to ask you not to give up on your blog. People like you should be heard, should inspire others to look outside their own little worlds.

Difficulties make us learn faster, make us grow and appreciate every second of life. God bless you, Ulia, and your boys.

- Fernanda.

Karen said...

Hi - I happened upon your blog by chance. I have a son adopted from Russia at age 1 and he is now 6 in kindergarten. He is very smart but has ADD & anger (rage) issues. He's also my sweetest snuggler and a sweetie. Sounds like you are doing a fabulous job advocating for your daughter! I just wanted to encourage you! The anger can be hard on so many levels. Keep up the great Mom you're being!